You can still get or change your health plan today for the rest of the year if you qualify for certain life events and situations.

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Anyone who is no longer eligible for Medicaid will be disenrolled:

Starting April 2023, approximately 15 million US citizens will risk losing Medicaid coverage; if you are one of them you will need help to obtain new coverage.

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A Special Enrollment Period due to a life change event:

You may still be able to enroll in or change your health coverage for 2023 outside the yearly Open Enrollment Period (November 1 - January 15) if you have experienced certain life events, like losing health coverage, moving, getting married, having a baby, or adopting a child.

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Medicaid, CHIP, or based on estimated household income:

People with certain estimated household income may be eligible to apply anytime to Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), or health insurance outside the yearly Open Enrollment Period (November 1 - January 15)

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